after completing the fourth rak'ah, he
(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) would sit
for the last tashahhud. He would instruct
regarding it, and do in it, just as he
did in the first tashahhud, except that
"he would sit mutawarrikan"249,
"with his left upper thigh on the ground,
and both his feet protruding from one (i.e.
the right) side."250
"He would have his left foot under his
(right) thigh and shin"251,
"his right foot upright"252
or occasionally "he would lay it along
the ground."253
"His left palm would cover his (left) knee,
leaning heavily on it."254
[see diagram - qss]
He set the example of sending prayers
on him (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)
in this tashahhud, as in the first tashahhud;
the ways of sending prayer on him (sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam) narrated have been
given in that section.
Obligation of Sending Prayers on the
Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)
in this Tashahhud
"he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) heard
a man supplicating in his prayer without
glorifying the majesty of Allaah Exalted,
nor sending prayers on the Prophet (sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam), so he said: This
man has been hasty." He then called
him and said to him and others, "When
one of you prays, he should begin with
the praise of his Lord, Sublime and Mighty,
and his exultation, and then send prayers
(in one narration: he should send
prayers) on the Prophet (sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam), and then supplicate
as he wishes."255
Also, "he heard a man glorifying and
praising Allaah, and sending prayers
on the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam) in prayer, so the Messenger of
Allaah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)
said to him: Supplicate, and you will
be answered; ask, and you will be given."256
(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to
say, "When one of you has finished the
[last] tashahhud, he should seek refuge
with Allaah from four things; [saying:
Allaah! I truly seek refuge with You]
from the punishment of Hellfire, and
from the punishment of the grave, and
from the trials of living and dying,
and from the evil [trials] of the False
Christ. [Then he should supplicate
for himself with what occurs to him.]"257
- "He (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)
would supplicate with it in his own tashahhud."258
Also, "he used to teach the Companions
(radi Allaahu 'anhum) this the way he
taught them Soorahs of the Qur'aan."259
(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to
use different supplications in his prayer260,
supplicating with different ones at different
times; he also endorsed other supplications,
and "ordered the worshipper to select of
them what he wishes."261
They are:
"O Allaah! truly I seek refuge with
You from the punishment of the grave,
and I seek refuge with you from the
trials of the False Christ, and I seek
refuge with You from the trials of
living and dying. O Allaah! truly I
seek refuge with You from sin262
and burden263."264
"O Allaah! truly I seek refuge with
You from the evil of what I have done,
and from the evil of what I have not
"O Allaah! call me to account with
an easy reckoning."267
"O Allaah! [I ask you], by Your
knowledge of the Unseen, and Your control
over the creation: give me life as
long as You know that life is best
for me, and take me when death is best
for me. O Allaah! I also ask of You
fear of You, in secret and in open;
I ask of You the word of Truth (in
one narration: Wisdom) and
justice in anger and in pleasure; I
ask of You moderation in poverty and
affluence; I ask of You joy which does
not fade; I ask of You pleasure [which
does not pass away, nor that] which
ceases; I ask of You contentment with
Your decree; I ask of You coolness
of life after death; I ask of You the
delight of looking towards Your Face;
and [I ask of You] eagerness towards
meeting You, not in harmful adversity,
nor in misleading afflictions. O Allaah!
adorn us with the decoration of eemaan,
and make us those who guide and are
He taught Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (radi
Allaahu 'anhu) to say:
"O Allaah! indeed I have wronged
myself greatly, and none can forgive
sins except You, so forgive me out
of Your forgiveness, and have mercy
on me. Truly, You are the Oft- Forgiving,
the Most Merciful."269
He instructed 'Aa'ishah (radi Allaahu
'anhaa) to say:
"O Allaah! indeed I ask of You all
Good, [the imminent and the far-off,]
that of it which I know and that which
I do not know. I seek refuge with You
from all Evil, [the imminent and the
far-off,] that of it which I know and
that which I do not know. I ask of
You (in one narration: O Allaah!
indeed I ask of You) the Garden,
and whatever saying or deed which brings
one near to it; I seek refuge with
You from the Fire, and (from) whatever
saying or deed which brings one near
to it. I ask of You (in one narration:
O Allaah! indeed I ask of You)
[the] good of what was asked of
You by Your slave and messenger [Muhammad;
and I seek refuge with You from evil
of what Your slave and messenger Muhammad
(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) sought
refuge with You]. [I ask of You] that
whatever You have decreed for me, its
result [for me] be beneficial.270
He said to a man, What do you say during
the prayer? He replied, "I bear witness
(i.e. do the tashahhud), then I ask
Allaah for the Garden, and I seek refuge
with Him from the Fire. However, by
Allaah, there is no murmuring271
as good as yours or that of Mu'aadh."
So he said, Our murmuring is like yours.272
He heard a man saying in his tashahhud:
"O Allaah! indeed I ask of You,
O Allaah (in one narration: by
Allaah), the One, the Only,
the Absolute, Who begets not and nor
is He begotten, and there is none like
Him, that You forgive me my sins; indeed
You are the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
On this, he (sallallaahu 'alaihi
wa sallam) said, He has been forgiven,
he has been forgiven.273
He heard another man say in his tashahhud:
"O Allaah! Indeed, I ask of You,
by the fact that to You belongs all
Praise; there is no (true) god except
You, [You alone, You have no partners;]
the Bestower of Favours; [O] Originator
of the Heavens and the Earth; O One
that is Full of Majesty and Honour;
O Living One, O Eternal One; [indeed
I ask of You] [the Garden, and I seek
refuge with You from the Fire]. [So
the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam) said to his Companions, Do
you know with what he has supplicated?
They said, "Allaah and His Messenger
know best." He said, By Him in Whose
Hand is my soul,] he has supplicated
Allaah with His Mighty (in one
narration: Mightiest) name274,
with which if He is supplicated, He
answers, and with which if He is asked,
He gives.275
One of the last things he would say
between the tashahhud and the tasleem
would be:
"O Allaah! Forgive me what I have
done in the past, and what I will do
in the future, and what I have concealed,
and what I have done openly, and what
I have exceeded in, whatever You know
about more know than I. You are the
Bringer-Forward, and You are the Delayer,
there is no (true) god except You."276